Where to Vote

Where to Vote

Where to Vote

Where to vote in the election

- Find the voting places by country and state
Where to vote in the elections? You can find the voting places searching by country and state.
How to find the voting places? You can search in the list of places to vote and select the country and state to locate your voting place.
Learn how to locate the voting places by country and city.
Election Vote 2024

A crush of lawsuits over voting in multiple states is creating a shadow war for the 2024 election The Associated Press
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary Live Election Results 2024 - NBC News NBC News
Trump backs mail-in ballots now, but it's too little too late: expert Business Insider

State law takes US a step closer to popular vote deciding presidential elections ABC News
The Jewish vote could play a huge role in 2024. Pennsylvania is about to put up an early test. NBC News

Maldives votes in parliamentary elections amid India-China rivalry Al Jazeera English
Pro-China party wins Maldives election in landslide, media say NBC News
Maldives pro-China ruling party tipped to win election Reuters